top of page is a productivity tool app that imposes itself over your other apps. Unlike apps that analyze or track users’ data, presents a more direct and active way to help people stay focused.

Master thesis project.  Click here to read thesis.

Year: 2017

Working with Yi-ying Tseng on developing.

My Role: APP Design, UI/UX

Problem Statement

How might we stop procrastinating when a lot of attention distractions surround us?

My thesis: Do It Now: Overcoming Procrastination explores the reasons behind procrastination, and uses design to intervene in the moments when people procrastinate. We live in a fast-changing world filled with all sorts of technological advances that allow us to work 24 hours a day and tempt us to procrastinate 24 hours a day. Interruption and distraction are inevitable. We place smartphones next to us, allegedly for work purposes, but they mostly serve as distractions without our even noticing it. The constant threat of information overload leads many of us to procrastinate. People who chronically procrastinate cannot get themselves out of their situation.


Last semester, I shared a google doc of my thesis draft with classmate, Ziyun Qi. Qi’s profile picture would show up whenever I opened the link, which gave the feeling that my classmate, Qi was constantly watching me - it was as if Qi was keeping an eye on me.

Prototyping - Watching You

Watching You is a device that tracks people’s movements and puts just enough pressure on users to motivate them to do their work. The user hangs “Watching You 1.0” on the wall in front of his/her desk, and when the user moves, the googly eyes follow the movement. ”Watching You 2.0” is a smaller version of “Watching You 1.0” that can be placed on the screen, next to the webcam. When users spend too much time on social media or games, the googly eyes pop up, surprising procrastinators into action.

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